People ask me all the time what kind of weddings I like the best? I wish there was a formula for this but I have yet to find one. But, shooting Kate and Robert’s wedding last weekend reminded me of (in my opinion) the biggest factor in the make up of the perfect wedding… the couple! I don’t even know how to sum up the fabulousness Kate and Robert are.
Kate and I were BFF in the ever important 6th grade. I moved far away, we lost touch and then the search for a wedding photographer put us in front of one another again. I was thrilled for the reunion and so excited to see that Kate was just as amazing as she was at 12!
I met Robert for the first time a few months ago and wasn’t the least bit surprised to see that he was smart, warm, funny, and madly in love with Kate. They are wonderful together and being a part of the wedding was such a blessing.
K & R, I am SO happy for you. I am amazed by your love for one another, your kindness towards everyone you encounter, and the joy you exude. Many blessings.
Big props to Geri or the Style Lab for putting together a beautiful event and Summer Harsh Botanical Artistry for the floral!